Scheduled Events :
Saturday, Mar. 15th, 2025 (In-person)
Saturday Sep. 6th, 2025 (Zoom)
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
ZOOM EDITION - The comfort of your own home! We will send you the link a few days before the event.
IN PERSON - Sunflower Springs of Lake Wylie, 243 Latitude Lane, Lake Wylie SC 29710
Can't make the Date?
If you can't attend our planned events you can purchase the ON-DEMAND version from our library of workshop recordings.
Alan Hartley
Scholarship Gold Consulting
Armed with correct information, students can create a high school experience that will set them apart.
Let's face it..Preparing for and applying to college is an entirely different process than when parents went to college in the 1980's and 1990's. The most stressful thing is feeling like you don't even know what you don't know! We will equip you with a wealth of knowledge to help you navigate all that lies ahead with confidence! The sooner you start, the better!
As the name implies, this workshop is an essential session for any college-bound student who wants to get the best admission opportunities and secure the highest scholarships possible. The workshop is geared to (rising) freshmen and sophomores who want a deep dive into what to do, when, and how best to do it, in order to bring some sanity and confidence to an otherwise stressful process.
Why Do You Need this Workshop?
1) College admissions has become more competitive than ever before. Admission rates to most popular college have plummeted in recent years:
UNC 18%, Clemson 38%, Ivy Leagues 3-6%, Georgia Tech 17%, Duke 5%.
2) College costs have skyrocketed over the last decade.
Ivies & other elite universities: $90k-$100k per yr
In-state public universities: $20k-40k per yr
Less-elite private colleges: $50k-$80k per yr
3) Securing scholarships and financial aid is involved and complicated
(if you don't know how to do it)
Good news, students! We can help you wind up with admissions to great schools that fit you best AND with affordable prices. (Seriously- We do it all the time.)
Specifically, the class will cover:
And ultimately...Encourage students to take "ownership" of this process, to be proactive, organized, and engaged in all that lies ahead!
Complimentary Workbook and On-Demand Recording - Students attending the LIVE sessions will receive a free copy of the accompanying College Bound Essentials Workbook (Normally $25) and the recorded, on-demand recording link. Just be sure to provide your mailing address when prompted so we know where to send it. Late registrants may receive their book after the event.
Fee - This 3-hour workshop fee, including the College Bound Essentials book, workshop notes and on-demand recording is only $95. At least one parent is encouraged to sit in with their child.
Call for more information about College Bound Essentials!
Position Your Student For College Success
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244 Latitude Ln, Suite 106 Lake Wylie, South Carolina, 29710
Licensed and Insured
NACAC- Natl Association of College Admission Counselors
SACAC- Southern Association of College Admission Counselors
IECA- Independent Educational Consultants Association