On-Demand Classes
Upcoming Workshops
Master Trackers
Test Prep programs
Gift cards
Can't attend a Live workshop? Don't worry, we record our Zoom workshops, edit them and host them for on-demand viewing on Thinkific.
Most are just $75 (some are FREE!) and come with downloadable associated docs, workbooks and/or notes.
Our comprehensive and fast-paced workshops are the most cost effective and convenient way to learn a wealth of great, actionable information for the college bound journey.
Each 3-hour workshop is just $95 per student. Parents can sit in for free so they can benefit from great information too!
APP Tracker
Oversized, color, laminated poster to keep all your college prep to-do items in one place! This one tool will make sure nothing slips between the cracks!
This is THE workbook to have. Originally written to accompany our flagship "College Bound Essentials" workshop, it is now a stand alone guide to college application success. At just $25, it includes an extensive list of useful resources, guides you through creating your college list and 9-11th grade game plan. It also explains how financial aid works and how to position yourself for scholarship and application success.
While there are various prep options for the SAT and ACT, the two that we have seen yield the most consistent success while being cost-effective and flexible are Eprep and Princeton Review Deluxe Prep. They both work on the model of having the students complete practice sections and then providing them with short, video-based corrections for the topics they miss. We have negotiated discounts for our students, so if you would like to take advantage of the savings, contact us and we will set you up!
Our Price: $249.00 MSRP:$299.00
Our Price: $199.00 MSRP: $499.00
We have seen strong results from both programs. On the one hand, you get a better price, more practice tests and resources,
and six extra months if you do Princeton Review.
Eprep.com is known for being very straightforward, clear, and easy for students to navigate.
Either one can serve you well, and we are happy to help you with either!
Let us know which one you want to go with, and we'll take care of it.
Call and get more information about our products!
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244 Latitude Ln, Suite 106 Lake Wylie, South Carolina, 29710
Licensed and Insured
NACAC- Natl Association of College Admission Counselors
SACAC- Southern Association of College Admission Counselors
IECA- Independent Educational Consultants Association