Time Management & Study Skills

Time Management & Study Skills (All Grades)

Scheduled Events:

Saturday April 19th - CANCELLED

Saturday June 28th,  2025  (ZOOM Edition)

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST.



ZOOM EDITION - The comfort of your own home! We will send you the link a few days before the event.

IN PERSON - TBD. Typically they are at a venue in Lake Wylie SC, just south of Charlotte NC

Click to Register

Can't make the Date?

If you can't attend our planned events you can purchase the ON-DEMAND version from our library of workshop recordings.

This is a new course so the recording will be available AFTER the workshop has run for the first time on Jan 11th 2025.

Shop our On-Demand Library


Alan Hartley

Scholarship Gold Consulting


Most high school courses become more demanding and difficult as the student progresses through them.  Add in the increasing extracurricular demands and pretty quickly the student is feeling overwhelmed, anxious and unsuccessful.

This workshop is crafted to provide students with the tools to get organized (and stay organized), and study efficiently and effectively.



It's just $95 for the 2-hour live workshop, all materials, Zoom recording, and follow-up info.

Call and schedule your consultation with us!

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